Where has the time gone? I blinked and it’s now September. (Note to self: update website more often)
It’s seems ages since Pat Edwards and I were working with the children of Montgomery Church in Wales School (funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund). And I was thrilled this week to see an invitation drop into my In Box for a presentation of all the work generated for the Montgomery Lives project at St Nicholas Church in Montgomery on 16 October. (I’ll tell you all about it later – promise!)
My return to Sussex in July was terrific fun. The 2nd performance of Some Easy Music went smoothly, thanks to the artistic industry of the Musicians of All Saints and Peter Michael Davison at the All Saints Centre in Lewes. I also caught up with some old friends, even finding the time for a delightful pre-concert supper of salmon and cold white wine in the garden of the effervescent John Hancorn, with Richard Wigmore for company.
Composing finds more time in my schedule now I’m less bound to the rigidity of a weekly schedule. My composer-daughter Bethan has been a great help to me in planning my work around the few remaining fixed entries in my diary. I’m pleased to say that we’ve even set up our own mini composers’ collective – just us two – as a pretty much fortnightly discussion group gravitating around my kitchen table. We would, of course, welcome other local composers to join us, providing they share the lunch-making responsibilities…
Of course, I still haven’t got around to updating news of my home-baking adventures. P L E A S E don’t give up – it’s on the TTD list for the end of this month. For now, the IBBC pages really are worth a look.
Do please contact me directly if you’d like to purchase or hire some my music, or if you’d like to peruse any of the items in the Lists of Works.
However, the most exciting thing to happen this week was the arrival of Adam Swayne‘s new CD: 9/11 : 20
What a pleasure! What an achievement!